Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!


I have to say that although I’m still sitting in the unknown territory of the dreadful 2ww, I am very very thankful for everything that I have.

My parents, my brother and his sweet girlfriend are all here visiting and I absolutely LOVE it.

It was wonderful having everyone over and just being able to be together.

Our tradition is that we celebrate on the 24th and eat and exchange gifts, then on the 25th we just stay together and enjoy each other’s company as well as our gifts.

This year we had so many gifts for Patryck that we had to split it between the days otherwise I don’t think he would have enjoyed all of the gifts that he received. I think it was a very wise decision and it worked out perfect.

It was amazing watching Patryck open each and every single toy and enjoy each and every single one of them. He truly did and everyone was so happy that he like them.

Now, here I am sitting at our 3dpiui and just waiting to see what the end the result is. I have no clue what that would be but I sure hope it’s some good news.

Anyways, Merry Christmas everyone, enjoy and love each other because that is all that matters.


IUI #2 check, the dreadful 2ww……..just begining

This Saturday (12/22) we had our second IUI !!!


This was for sure a very different experience for us. My parents are here for the holidays and with that being said, they go everywhere we go.

Since our RE is 1 hour away and it’s more “in the city”, we took my parents with me so that once our IUI was done we could get some last minute shopping done.

I don’t know how your IUI usually goes but this RE is different than my other one. We have to arrive 1 hour early and then I have to sign a lot of paperwork. Then the nurse came in and told me what the count was like. She said that it was 122 mil and 60%. I looked at her puzzled and said, “come again”.

She said yes 122 mil not thousands. I was so so so so so surprised. The best we have ever gotten was 75 mil. 122 sounds amazing to me.

DH come in and sat by me, he then asked the nurse to knock me up with twins. LOL (yeah he’s so funny).

I got a slip for some blood work for next thursday for P4 and all and I got to start my Endometrin today.

Yesterday I had some mild cramping and feeling pretty bloated but it’s getting “better” today.

Here’s hoping for a Christmas miracle and a wonderful 2013. Here’s also hoping that this 2ww will go by super fast since we will be pretty busy with all of the family members that are visiting with us.

IUI #2 in sight

Miracles Board

I haven’t posted because I felt like I was in this funk and just didn’t want to post negativity here.

So, I started my injections on 12/12. Dr.C had me start with 125IU of Follistim + 75IU Menopur for 2 days. Then I would decrease the Follistim to 100IU for the next 3 days. On 12/17 I went in for my ultrasound and blood work.

I was very surprised to see so many follicles. I had like 4 on my right side and 3 on my left. My biggest follicle was at a 15 so I knew that I had more work to do. My lining was at a 7.5 and my E2 was at 294.

I did 2 more days of injections but this time around he had me do 75IU of Follistim + 75IU of Menopur. I went back in for yet another blood work and ultrasound. Now my follicles on the right side were 17, 14,14,12 and on the left they were 16, 14,14. My lining was at a 12 and my E2 was 597!!!

I went home (or back to work) without really knowing what the next step was. I got the call from the Re’s office telling me to do one more day of meds (75+75) and then to trigger TODAY (Thursday).

My IUI will happen on Saturday at 9:30am, although we have to be there 1 hour earlier to sign the consent form and all.

I’m super excited and I have a wonderful feeling about this cycle.

On a funny side note, my dad, who never really talks about this stuff with me, said to me that he had a dream about me. He said that I got pregnant and I had TWINS!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! He told me that he was pretty sure that I was going to get pregnant this time around and he was just warning me that it would be twins. LOLĀ  – I thought it was really cute, yet scary!

Here’s to staying positive and only thinking good thoughts. I’m believing that we will have a Christmas miracle.



3 yrs ago today………..a miracle came true !


Exactly 3 year ago, I woke up early in the morning and got ready to see our wonderful RE back in CA.

I went in and our regular nurse was there to greet us.

Our procedure was smooth and painless. Tom and I sat there and just hoped that this was going to be it.

I remember going home and just praying that we would be blessed with yet another miracle and that this time around we would be able to keep our baby.

I did not know that exact day that it was going to work, but I’m sure I was hopeful, even if I kept telling myself otherwise.

Anyways, I just can’t believe that it has been 3 years since that blessed day and that we are so blessed with our miracle baby boy.

Patryck is growing up so fast that it is hard to grasp, at times, how much we had to endure in order to make our miracle come true.

This Christmas all I want is for our family to be together. To be able to celebrate and enjoy each other, to remember of what is important and that material things can not buy us happiness.

I know all of this sounds cheese but I mean every word.

Thank you God for the miracle you gave me. I pray that we are worthy of yet another miracle soon.


IUI #2 here we come!!!

So, since our last IUI did not work, we are back and ready to try once again.

I won’t lie, getting that BFN was not easy. I believe that the unknown for the 2ww was much more painful than I expected it to be. I thought that because life is so very busy and that we have been blessed with a miracle that perhaps I would have way too much going on that it would be easier or something?

Whatever it is that I was thinking, I was very very wrong.

Anyways, here we are now and we are ready to try again.

I was on Birth control pills for 2 wks to get rid of any left over cysts and to regulate things for me. I believe that my body works “better” right after the bcp.

I started my shots on the grateful 12/12 date and I have my appointment on 12/17. That is a very special date for me. on 12/17 of 2009 Tom and I had our 5th IUI and on New Years Eve of that same year we found out that we were expecting our beautiful son.

So, I’m being very positive and very hopeful that this is going to be our miracle month and that we will have some wonderful news.

I’m going to try my best and think positive thoughts ONLY and believe that a miracle will come of it this time around.

I’ll try to update soon.