Happy Mother’s Day !

This is my second real mother’s day. Last year my husband was overseas so this year is the first time that we got to celebrate it as a family with everyone home. I’m always very minimalistic when it comes to celebrations like this. I would much rather spend some quality time with my family than do anything super busy.

We got to spend the weekend together, which with Tom’s work schedule this is a blessing, and it was lovely. Patryck’s new favorite word is “outside”. He wakes up and immediately tells me he wants to go outside. It’s truly an obcession of his. It’s also very adorable since he knows that he can’t go outside without his shoes. He always walks up to his little shoe bin area, picks up a pair of shoes (they always match which for me is amazing) and then he sits next to you and repeats again “outside”. The best part is that if you don’t have your shoes on (either me or Tom), he’ll go get us a pair of our shoes and make sure we too are ready to go outside. He really cracks me up.

On mother’s day I woke up with my boys in bed as Tom went to pick him from his crib and bring him over so they could hand me my card and gift. Patryck handed me my mother’s day card and then my beautiful neckless. Daddy and Patryck chose a beautiful neckless for me and I love it.

We spent the day outside, playing, drawing and just being a family. After a well deserved nap, we took our sweet baby boy to the park. It was my first time at that park and I’m impressed. I really liked it. It’s clean, there’s lots of room to play and run. Patryck’s favorite part was the little water fall, he made sure to go into it and get himself all wet. I had a blast and was able to get some great pictures of him.

This mother’s day was so emotional for me. I think it’s because I’ve witnessed so many heartaches throughout this journey. So many of my dear friends that have lost babies that I just don’t know how I would survive without my sweet boy.

Tom asked me, “what does it mean to be a mom?”. I seriously could not answer him without crying. I didn’t get one word out and I was  crying already. How could I possibly explain how much I love Patryck. I just can’t.

Patryck is the reason for my being. He is the reason why I wake up in the morning and make sure that I get through anything and everything just so I can, at the end of the day, hold him in my arms and tell him how much I love him.

Being a mom is love. Painful, sweet, unconditional, unquestionable, LOVE!

I’m completely in love with my husband. I can’t imagine my life without him. He’s my partner, my friend, my soul mate.

Patryck, he is my life. There isn’t a life without him. The simple thought of not having him in my life gives me panic and I know that I couldn’t go on without him. I love him too much, we love him too much.

I sure hope that all of the moms out there that have suffered a lost have been able to get through today. I can’t imagine your pain and I am amazed at the fact that you are able to pick yourselves up and navigate through life. You are strong, either by choice or necessity, and for that I applaud you.

I also want to make sure that I wish every single mother out there a wonderful mother’s day. However it is that you came to be a mommy, surrogate, IVF, IUI, TI, adoption, foster, step parenting, a mommy to an angel baby/child or as many of us have first become mommies, a four-legged child. Happy mother’s day.

You are loved and you are special. I appreciate all that you do and you should celebrate as today is your day.