First Beta #

I did get my blood work done and I do have a beta #. I had to be at the lab at 6am in order to get my blood done but I made it.

At around 9:30am I got a call from my RE’s office. My beta was 67. They tell me that it’s a good solid number since they usually like to see anything between 50 and 100. The range is so wide that it’s hard to know if I’m in the clear or not.

They didn’t seem worried at all since they told me to do my next blood work in 7 days (next Thursday).

I’ll have a total of 2 more blood tests then they want me to come in and have an ultrasound on the 18th of January (which would put me at 6wk4days).

To say that I’ve been nervous is an understatement. I have been holding back on being excited and letting people know about it. I just don’t want to have to explain to everyone (again) that it wasn’t meant to be if it comes to that.

Can you tell that I’m not feeling too well today?? I’m an emotional wreck today. To say the least.

As far as symptoms goes, I’ve been having some lower back aches and I have some bitter taste in my mouth now and then. Yesterday I had a very annoying headache that made sure it would hang out all flipping day long.

I’ve been taking it super easy and plan to continue with that until I’m past the “scary” first trimester.

Who am I  kidding, I’ll probably be like this the entire time. It sucks feeling so scared. I don’t want to be scared the entire time. I want to be able to enjoy being pregnant and be able to share this joy with others.

I just keep telling myself “miracles happen for those who believe”.

I’m trying to make that my motto for the year of 2010.


  1. 21reena · January 2, 2010

    OMG- I understand your fear…and I LOVE your new motto!!! That Beta # sounds great!!! I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to hear more updates!

  2. jengun1 · January 3, 2010

    Wanessa. You are already a wonderful mother in so many ways. When your beautiful baby does come it will be the luckiest, most cherished child. You’ll get there, you will hold your new life in your arms and feel your heart overflow. Thank you so much for letting us share in your journey, we will all celebrate with you when the time comes! My best thoughts and prayers are with you and your sweet husband. Here’s to 2010!!

    • wtbocianski · January 3, 2010

      Mamma Jen u are so sweet. Thank u so much.
      This journey has been so difficult it’s hard to be excited right now without being so scared.
      I can’t wait until the day that I can hold our baby in my arms.
      Luv u and thank u for reading my blog.

  3. sonia · October 1, 2010

    can i copy ur image pix ( about faith to my website thank you )

  4. Pingback: 2010 in review « Our journey to parenthood

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